
13 版本控制提示 within your organisation


Multiple versions in circulation, 丢失的文档版本, 重要信息被覆盖:每个人都熟悉文档版本控制中的这类问题. Good 版本控制 is not rocket science, but it does require careful consideration within your organisation. 这13条建议将帮助你在组织内简化版本控制.


版本控制, also known as version management, 指对不同版本的文件进行高效有序的管理. 简单地说,它意味着存储所有版本的文档,并使用户能够轻松地检索它们. 当多人参与创建文档时,版本控制尤其必要, but also when documents are frequently changing.

远程和混合工作的采用进一步增加了对它的需求. 如果许多员工在不同的地方工作,管理文档就会变得更加困难.

The benefits of 版本控制

版本控制 has several important benefits for organisations. 例如, it can help prevent or quickly undo errors, save time when working on and searching for documents, ensure sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands, and enable retrospective review of team work.

版本控制 provides a solution to many problems that employees face. Think of different versions that are in circulation at the same time, important information that is lost because changes are not tracked, and documents that cannot be found (quickly enough) due to, 例如, 文件名.



1 .选择合适的软件

Software alone does not solve all problems, but can be very helpful. 在选择版本控制软件时,需要注意以下几个方面:

  • The ability to collaborate in real time
  • 用户友好性
  • 集成:软件应该与诸如文字处理器之类的应用程序很好地集成, 沟通平台, and project management systems
  • Support for different file formats (such as Word, Excel, PDF, and images)
  • 版本历史记录,您应该能够轻松查看和撤销版本和更改
  • Export of version history, which may be necessary for compliance purposes
  • Comprehensive access control and permission features
  • 脱机访问文档, 一旦互联网接入恢复,软件就会自动同步
  • 备份和恢复特性
  • 可伸缩性:软件必须能够随着文档和用户数量的增加而扩展.

#2 Set clear rules and guidelines

明确的规则和指导方针对于确保组织内的每个人都知道如何使用版本控制系统非常重要. 确保每个人都知道版本控制的目的,以及对他们的期望.

3 .鼓励交流

团队成员应该在必要时就文档变更进行清晰且频繁的沟通, so that everyone is immediately informed. 到底发生了什么? 谁改变了什么? And what is the reason for the changes? 全球最大的博彩平台文档进度的沟通也是良好版本控制的重要组成部分. 为了彻底的改变, 明智的做法是总是描述(在文档级别)发生了什么变化以及为什么发生了变化, so that colleagues can quickly identify and understand the changes.

#4 Limit the number of active versions

If there are multiple active versions of one document in circulation, this is a recipe for confusion and inefficiency. 因此,实时地在一个共享文档中尽可能多地协同工作.

#5 Use comments, suggestions and track changes

通过使用注释和建议,而不是直接在文档中进行更改, 它变得更容易讨论, review and accept or reject changes. 如果员工选择更改文本,请确保打开“跟踪更改”功能. 这种方式, 您可以准确地看到哪些更改是由谁进行的,并快速接受或拒绝提议的更改.

#6 Create structure through templates

If you have fixed templates for frequently used document types, documents can be organised and structured consistently. 模板有助于更快地创建文档,更容易地组织它们,并使它们更容易理解.


版本控制的一个重要原则是信息总是正确和最新的. Therefore, it is important to regularly revise and update documents. 这尤其适用于经常查阅和许多人依赖的文件.


通过使用元数据和标签,您可以向文档添加额外的信息. 对于元数据,您可以考虑,例如,作者和创建时间. Labels (or tags) are keywords or short texts that describe the document. 元数据和标签使员工更容易、更快捷地进行搜索和组织, 减少错误,更深入地了解文档之间的关系.

#9 Archive the version history

导出和存档版本历史记录有助于事后查阅更改并符合法律要求, 例如 in the field of privacy or security.

#10 Set additional requirements for large or important projects

对于与大型或重要项目相关的文档,版本控制甚至更为重要. 额外的需求可能是明智的,例如使用不同的版本编号系统. 对于较大的项目,您可以使用由三个组件组成的版本号(例如1.0.1): the first digit represents major changes, the second for medium-sized adjustments, and the third digit for editorial changes.

保持一种日志也很有用,团队成员可以很容易地查看每个版本的更改内容和原因. 对于非常广泛的文档, it may be wise to apply "branches," as is customary in software development. 这包括在不妨碍彼此的情况下,在不同的部分分开工作. Merging the branches is precise work: among other things, 有必要仔细检查信息是否消失或重复.

#11 Establish a good information architecture

如果文件结构不合理,它们可能会丢失,不同的版本很容易传播. That's why you need to set up a good system for organising folders, which is applied uniformly throughout the entire organisation.

#12 Grant the appropriate access permissions

Give the right people the right access permissions for documents and folders. “最少特权”原则很重要:员工不应被授予超出他们需要的访问权限. 您应该区分具有修改权限的人和只有阅读或评论权限的人. 定期检查所有权限:例如,人员可能会离开,角色可能会更改. By setting up groups smartly, you simplify the management of permissions.


无论软件可以实现多少自动化,版本控制在一定程度上仍然是一项人工任务. 人们也会犯错. 这就是为什么对员工进行版本控制最佳实践培训是很重要的. 例如, explain the most important functionalities of the software, how they can collaborate optimally on documents, what the intended information architecture is, and what policy applies to updating files, 存档版本历史记录, 使用元数据和标签.

版本控制 with a digital workplace

A digital workplace helps in various ways with 版本控制 of documents, 允许员工更有效地协作,降低数据丢失或错误的风险.

例如, 通过在分享Point上提供一个接口,workwork365使版本控制更容易, OneDrive, 文件服务器. All these platforms are united in the digital workplace, with many functionalities available within the workplace dashboard. Think of 版本控制 in 分享Point, which allows employees to view, 检索, 并删除旧版本.

使用Workspace 365, employees have one document application for all their documents, regardless of where they are stored. This partly solves the problem of information architecture. Do organisations work with 分享Point, OneDrive, and a network drive? In that case, it is not always clear where employees should store documents. 使用Workspace 365, they have only one document application, making it much easier to set up and maintain a good information architecture.

